tisdag 31 januari 2012

RG32M - First vehicle in Entropia Universe

Few would have guessed that this would be the first vehicle in the SCIFI Universe of Entropia, with adjustable seats for midgets and giants, speed meters and fps view for 6 passengers and a gunner position for mountable weapons. A swedish military vehicle. 2 x 1024 and about 15 K + polys dependable on customization. 
(will update with higher quality images and texture layout etc for thoose who care.)

The Expendebles "Pitch"

In the final days of Grin alot of pitches were made for several types of games and genres and theese two characters were made for the exendebles pitch, never finalized them my self and never saw the outcome of the pitch either. 

The heads was part of a character pipeline created by me and thomas klingström. The pipeline made it possible for any artist , no matter how much experience the artists had with characters prior to this project, to produce a massive amounts of more or less realistic heads with descent quality within very little time, 1 -2 days each per final ingame model, including zbrush model , 2048x2048 texture and ingame mesh.

måndag 30 januari 2012


Characters and  props( small fishing boat, and some other stuff) created for a visual  target level to display a new visual style for bionic comando rearmed 2 at Grin 

C30 Proof of concept

Some of the first high end brochure images we created at MFX (www.mfx.se)together with Glen Percival as proof of concept for scp and volvo back in 2007.

söndag 29 januari 2012

Starting up

Finaly felt a need to start a place for my past and present work online and hopefully i will get enough time to constantly update it with new work.