tisdag 21 februari 2012

3d print

3D Print by Creative Tools as test for Mindark when investigating possibilities with a z650 zcorp 3d printer. Model By Björn Albihn and tweaks, pose and fixes by me. Really exciting to see how close the zcorp machine gets to the 3d data.

Visiting Creative tools was a really inspiring trip, checking out 3d printers, scanners and laser cutters, a true toy store and fabulous people!! One high light was the really cheap Make A bot 3d printer, a really super cool gadget, a must in every household!!

torsdag 9 februari 2012

Tonberry (dark version) + Old Elephant

A little project i started few days ago as a lunch time project trying out dynamesh in zbrush ( like sculpting in clay). Character Design by Joakim Hellstedt made for fortress, found it in his fantastic portfolio, and decided to create it in 3d. 3 hours spend on this little fellow so far. Really sweet creating stuff with dynamesh!! Will post updates asap.! ( Just a screen dump from zbrush )

This was also one of my zbrush exercises made a year ago or so, also a screendump. This was to practise using z- scetch instead of using a basemesh to start from. Made  several african animals like this elephant, a waterbuffalo , raven  and a zebra , partly to practice anatomy. Realized that there is loads of stuff you dont really know about animal anatomy, like elephants not having  fixed amount of toes etc. AS my first z-scetch implies my picture of an elephant probably was closer to Babar than a real one.

måndag 6 februari 2012

Design by Leftovers - Salvador Dali

This is a project i did together with two really cool designers from Stockholm running a company called design by leftovers, I did a 3d sculpt in zbrush based on their ideas inspired from a sculpture made by  Salvador Dali. In some stage some of the process (3d print (  by 3id ), casting)  structure from the 3d model got less visible, considering this was my first 3d print project it might be that some details needs to be exagerated to show properly after printing and casting, thats something to find out for future projects.  This is the first photos of the legs after beeing cast in aluminium. Design by Leftovers at möbel mässan in stockholm:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_Jgtvm5E3w or their homepage designbyleftovers

fredag 3 februari 2012

Mindark Space

Created a Space environment for Entropia Universe. Pfx and tech work for Space arrival and warp travel in the seamless (endless) Mindark space making it possible to travel by warp speed, or really slow ,seamless from planet to planet. Possibility to enter a mothership with smaller spaceships makes it possible to tag along the mothership owners (Available for purchase if you have about 10 000 dollars) and travel safe and fast. Also created the in-game Space squid (hp and design credits to björn albihn) and planets etc. Also credits to Illunova and AMC.

tisdag 31 januari 2012

RG32M - First vehicle in Entropia Universe

Few would have guessed that this would be the first vehicle in the SCIFI Universe of Entropia, with adjustable seats for midgets and giants, speed meters and fps view for 6 passengers and a gunner position for mountable weapons. A swedish military vehicle. 2 x 1024 and about 15 K + polys dependable on customization. 
(will update with higher quality images and texture layout etc for thoose who care.)

The Expendebles "Pitch"

In the final days of Grin alot of pitches were made for several types of games and genres and theese two characters were made for the exendebles pitch, never finalized them my self and never saw the outcome of the pitch either. 

The heads was part of a character pipeline created by me and thomas klingström. The pipeline made it possible for any artist , no matter how much experience the artists had with characters prior to this project, to produce a massive amounts of more or less realistic heads with descent quality within very little time, 1 -2 days each per final ingame model, including zbrush model , 2048x2048 texture and ingame mesh.

måndag 30 januari 2012


Characters and  props( small fishing boat, and some other stuff) created for a visual  target level to display a new visual style for bionic comando rearmed 2 at Grin 

C30 Proof of concept

Some of the first high end brochure images we created at MFX (www.mfx.se)together with Glen Percival as proof of concept for scp and volvo back in 2007.

söndag 29 januari 2012

Starting up

Finaly felt a need to start a place for my past and present work online and hopefully i will get enough time to constantly update it with new work.